Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Get a Full-Body Workout in Just 10 min With Kettlebells

After burpees, Kettlebells are the best thing for helping you get a full-body conditioning workout. If you bring the determination three times per week for just 10 minutes, you can burn fat, get toned, build muscle and more, all with the aid of Kettlebells.

The very way in which Kettlebells are designed (basically a cannonball with a handle) makes them a joy to workout with when compared to free-weights. In fact, Kettlebells feel like an extension of your body.

The following workout requires the use of two Kettlebells, but you can workout with one and still reap all of the benefits mentioned above. Since working out with Kettlebells will target muscles that free weights don't, start out with lighter weights until you get used to them.

For men, two 8 kg (18 lbs) kettlebells should provide enough of a challenge. For women 6 kg (13 lbs) kettlebells would be a good beginning weight. This workout is a combination of Kettlebell Squats and Kettlebell Presses. Let's go.

  1. Grab your Kettlebells; now position your feet slightly wider than shoulder width.
  2. Lift your Kettlebells up to chest level (resting on your biceps).
  3. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  4. Return to the standing position. Kettlebells still at chest level - knees unlocked.
  5. Press your Kettlebells above your head. (without locking your elbows).
  6. Return your Kettlebells to chest level.

That's one rep. Do these for 10 minutes, your presses should be explosive, but keep your squats controlled. Rest between reps if you need to, but keep it under twenty seconds so that you get the results you deserve for your efforts. Maintaining proper form will benefit you more than speed. You can find more Kettlebell exercises here.

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