Friday, July 11, 2014

How to Lose Weight Without Doing Exercise

I'll begin by saying there is no better way to lose unwanted pounds than sticking to a sensible diet and exercise program. What I am about to share with you is from my own personal experience. I am fifty years old and in good shape.What I mean by good shape, is that I am "fit" from over twenty years of strength training.

What I am not, is always lean like the fitness and bodybuilder models you see in advertisements. When I am in my best shape, I look more like a powerlifter. I do gain extra weight from time to time, mostly when I stop doing cardio for too long.

About six week ago I felt the urge to cut meat from my diet; the portions of turkey or fish that I ate along with other foods. Three weeks after I stopped eating turkey and fish, I couldn't help but notice my clothes fitting loser. I can't tell you how many pounds I've lost so far because I don't use bathroom scales.
Photo courtesy of
I go by feel mostly, but I do own and have used a skin-fold caliper in the past. What I have been eating over the last six weeks is vegetables, whole grains, cottage cheese and nuts for the most part. My typical day of meals looks much like this.
  1. Breakfast: 1 serving of steel cut oats, a teaspoon of cottage cheese, and 12 ounces of water - I might have a banana too, but I'm usually satisfied with the oats.
  2. Meal # 2: A veggie sandwich on whole wheat french bread (1/4). I use olive oil mayonnaise (lightly) or avocado for spread, spinach, sliced and baked eggplant, tomato, onions, jalapenos, banana peppers, black and green olives, cucumbers. Feel free to let you imagination go wild here, as long as it's healthy. And 12 ounces of water.
  3. Meal #3: about an 8 ounce serving of sauteed (in olive oil) veggies: Carrots, onions, eggplant, banana squash. And 12 ounces of water.
  4. Meal #4: One piece of fruit, two ounces of unsalted mixed nuts - cashews, pecan and walnut halves. I actually eat more than two ounces, but no more than four, and the cashews that I eat have sea salt added. And 12 ounces of water.
  5. Meal # 5: Two more ounces of mixed nuts, and maybe a piece of fruit if I'm hungry. I only drink water after this if I get hungry. 
I didn't choose to remove meat from my diet because I thought it would help me lose weight, I did it because I thought it was healthier for me. My experience with a vegetarian diet has been great so far, and I intend to continue it.

If you have a desire to lose weight and are willing to try something new and healthy, eat a sensible vegetarian diet for a week. I bet you'll get great results too. Here is an article of recipes, I have tried the Edamame Sweet Potato Hash. Many of them can be eaten for meals other than breakfast.

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