Thursday, July 17, 2014

The Secret to Building Dense Muscles, Fast

I'm talking about shirt-busting jean-stretching muscles, those that get attention. Hard muscles that scream pure power. The goal of millions of bodybuilders is to pack-on thick dense muscle. That was my goal from the first lift, but it took me 7 years to finally "stumble" upon the right way to do it.

Yep, I discovered the secret to building dense muscles purely by accident. How? Well, after my family (seven of us, including five small children) moved into a home that didn't have a basement, I chose to retire my weight bench, bar, and weight plates.

Without weights to lift, I began a workout routine of push-ups for my chest and shoulders. I also used a bodybuilding spring. I kept my bar and two 50 pound plates tucked safely away to do bent over rows on back days, and squats on leg days.

Now for the funny part of the story. My chest and shoulders have always been my weakest muscle groups. When I was in the 9th grade, our physical education teacher gave us a test which consisted of push-ups, pull-ups, rope climbing, etc. And I couldn't do five measly push-ups, or even one lousy pull-up.

You get the picture. Fast-forward to my new workout of push-ups, and I was faced with the same challenge, except I was heavier now. I was able to do about seven proper push-ups at this point, 10 if I strained, and after just 15 minutes my weak chest and shoulder muscles would be exhausted. It was frustrating, but I hung in there, and I got stronger.

Photo courtesy of Vegan Bodybuilding

Along with my new strength came thick, heavy, and dense muscles. I had finally discovered the secret, but I still couldn't explain it. So I started doing research on my new workout to find out what I was doing right. What I learned, was that shorter more intense workouts are the ticket to building dense muscles, and fast.

It is the exact method that power lifters use; lifting at their max, but for only a few reps. And you see how dense their muscles get. So the way to build dense muscles is to lift like a powerlifter while eating a sensible diet of complex carbohydrates, protein, and good fats.

Keep your workouts short; forty minutes max, but intense. Resist the temptation to give yourself mercy, and you will build dense muscles fast. My workouts are twenty minutes each, and I only give myself ten seconds max, of rest between sets. My reps are between three and eight, and I love the results that I get. Downside? For me yes, and that's putting on fat almost as fast as I can add muscle.

But to this day, I haven't returned to weight lifting. My workouts consist of body weight exercises only; dips, push-ups (even with that 50 pound plate on my back for added resistance) pull-ups and chin-ups. Keep in mind that your results will vary with a shorter more intense workout depending upon your genetics. But I guaranteed you will get stronger faster, and the muscle that you do build will no doubt be dense.


  1. I usually really dislike being negative but this is an incredibly misleading article. Everybody wishes that push ups and pull ups are enough to develop "thick dense muscles" but its 100% rubbish. Not only that, but you will severely screw up your posture if that's all you do.

  2. Enragedhippo, the purpose of my posts is to share with others what has worked or not worked for me during my fitness journey. Training with my own body weight was a game changer for me, and I wanted to pass that on to others .


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