Tuesday, July 29, 2014

5 Reasons Why I Prefer Body-Weight Workouts

I am not writing this post because I am against free-weight workouts, I have nothing but respect for weight training. In fact, for the first 8 years of my fitness journey, I trained exclusively with free-weights. That said, my journey has been a continuous learning experience, and I have often learned from my own mistakes.

Photo courtesy of en.wikipedia.orgJohnathanfv

As far as my workouts are concerned; the most valuable lesson that I have learned so far when it comes to getting the results that I want, is that a well planned body-weight workout program works best for me. So, why exactly do I prefer body-weight workouts over free-weight workouts?

  1. No Injuries: In all of the thirteen years that I have been working out with my body-weight, I have had zero injuries. No muscle sprains, muscle pulls, muscle strains, nothing. 
  2. Faster Results: More like results, period. I got stronger faster, and those muscles that refused to grow while I was working out with free-weights suddenly became bigger. I had only made small gains at best with my weight lifting program; although part of the reason for that was due to my overtraining.
  3. Budget Friendly: My body-weight workout doesn't cost me any money, my equipment goes everywhere with me and is always ready for use. If I need more resistance for my muscles, all I have to do is get a little bit creative.
  4. Shorter Workouts: Since I am working out with 40-100 percent of my body weight, every workout is intense, so there is absolutely no need to workout for hours. 
  5. Faster Recoveries: Body-weight workouts are easier on your joints, so your muscles recover from them faster than when working out with free weights.

If I were to put all of these reasons that I prefer body-weight workouts over free-weight workouts together, they would add up to this one main reason. Body-weight workouts provide the results that I have wanted since I began my journey towards fitness; noticably bigger muscles.  

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