Saturday, August 23, 2014

Getting Rid of Rear Arm Fat: Exercise and Diet Are Not The Only Solutions

What I am going to do in this post is give you two suggestions that will help you get rid of fat, specifically that which accumulates on the back of your arms. Eliminating fat from this area (or any area) can be a challenge, even if you eat right and exercise. But it can be done. The first thing that you must do is stop using antiperspirants that contain parabens.

Parabens mimic estrogen, and estrogen causes weight gain. If your antiperspirant contains parabens, you are literally rubbing estrogen into your armpits on a daily basis without even realizing it. Antiperspirants work by clogging our pores, which means they are also successful at locking those estrogen mimicking parabens in. Here is a list of natural deodorants.

The next thing that you must do is eat more cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables will help your body metabolize estrogen. Here is a list of cruciferous vegetables. So changing your antiperspirant (if it contains parabens) will allow your body to rid itself of estrogen mimicking parabens, especially around the back your arms where it might be trapped.

Photo courtesy of

And eating two or more serving of cruciferous vegetables per day will help your body metabolize excess estrogen. Choosing an aerobic exercise or activity that really gets your arms moving, like tennis, handball, or jumping jacks, will maximize your results.

You must commit to doing cardio at least three times per week. And when you are satisfied with the results that you get from eliminating your antiperspirant, eating cruciferous vegetables, and cardio, that's when you must start training your triceps to build more fat burning muscle.

Keep in mind that there are many products that contain parabens, such as body lotions, moisturizers, anti-aging creams, etc. So be sure to read those labels. And remember, fat doesn't appear on our bodies all of a sudden, it accumulates over time. That said, be patient while getting rid of your body fat.

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